Company Overview

Company name Strategy in Motion Co., Ltd.
RepresentativeMakoto Washinosu
Address1-1-601 Goshoyama-cho, Nishi-ku, Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture
BusinessBusiness strategy for medical devices, healthcare-related products and related services
Consulting in new business development, quality assurance, and regulatory development
EstablishmentMarch 2023

Business Philosophy


We serve patients, communities, families and friends by providing services of global standard business strategy, quality assurance strategy, regulatory and clinical strategy in medical devices.


We build a trust by accompanying our clients. With our ability to do things through, we will always respond to environmental changes and make changes to achieve sustainable operations together with our clients.

Proposal and Contract Flow

Contact Us

Sign on NDA

Have hearing session to understand details

Submit proposal/Quotation

Sign on an outsourcing contract
